How to become beautiful in 4 simple steps.

I will teach you the definition of beauty, and how to be beautiful in 4 easy simple steps.

Beauty secrets no one is telling you about. Number 4 will surprise you.

I will show you how she went from the first picture to the second in 4 easy steps.

Definition of beauty; A combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.

Beauty is a skill that can be acquired.

Beauty can be learned. And I’m here to teach you.


1. Ask other people to pick your hairstyle.

Your hair is one of the first things people see when you walk into a room. So naturally it’s one of the first things that help people form an impression about you.

You don’t see or look at your self as much as other people do. You may not even know the real shape of your face.

But other people do.

A lot of people make the mistake of choosing hairstyles that they find to be attractive on other people. Forgetting the fact that they have different features from that other person.

You shouldn’t pick hairstyles just because you find them attractive. You should pick hairstyles because they look attractive on YOU!

If you have a hard time deciding what looks good on you, ask at least 3 different people.

Ask 3 different people to pick hairstyles they think look good on you based on the previous hairstyles you’ve worn.

Find out what it was about the previous hairstyles they liked.

  • Was it the color of the hair complimenting your skin?
  • Was it the shape of the hair and the way it framed your face?
  • Could it be the length?.
Change of hair color can upgrade your look.

Find out these details and pick your next hair style based on your findings

Then finally, pay attention to the attention and comments you receive in response to your new hairstyle. Notice what worked and what didn’t, then use that information to pick your next hairstyle.

2. Choose a lipstick that matches your skin and clothes.

Your lips can make or break your outfit.

Your lipstick color can be the little additional touch that upgrades you from average to breath taking.

But you must make sure to research and match the proper colors to compliment your features e.g your skin, hair and clothes.

Before lipstick glow up
After lipstick glow up.

3. Move like a beautiful woman.

Now that we have covered what you look like, let’s talk about what you move like.

Who moves more beautifully? her?
Or her

Moving beautifully is about how you carry yourself.

There is an obvious difference between how the First Lady or a model walks, vs how a male wrestler walk.

Carry yourself like a gorgeous woman and people will start to say, “there’s just something about the way she moves!”

4. Always wear clothes that compliment your body now! Not in the future when you lose weight, right now!

Dressing in a way that fits your body

You don’t need to throw out your whole wardrobe and blow your money on new clothes to achieve this.

Just look at other well dressed people or even celebrities who have similar body type or measurements to you and copy them!

You copy to catch up.

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